HWW Portfolio

Software and Hardware Developer

Sample Code

This page will contain some examples of my source code.

Image 1 - Some of my development tools Title Image

C# XiRename The renaming tool for Unity 3D
C# XiGameTool - Unity 3D Art Game Data Manager
C# XiKeyboard - Emacs style menu for Unity 3D
C# XiDebugDraw - Debugging drawing tool for Unity 3D
C# XiDebugMenu - In Game Text Only Debug Menu for Unity
C# XiSound - A tiny sound system for Unity 3D
C# VARP Oscilloscope - Unity Asset
C# Using Model-View-Controller pattern with Unity 3D
C# XiJSON - Stupid simple serialization for Unity 3D
C# A Unity 3D Demo Noise Flowfield
C# A Unity 3D Demo Koch Fractals
C# A Unity 3D Demo The text effect for Unity 3D
CL The open GOAL type system for Common LISP
C++ Ray Tracer
C Synthesizer sampler & MIDI Player